Riding a motorcycle is therapeutic.
We know that there is always a smile hidden in that helmet!
Sometimes you just drive to drive, but sometimes you want to make a
day trip .
Do you, like us, find it annoying to drag your heavy motorcycle suit and luggage with you on your destination? Or worse... leave your bike at home.

... Meets freedom
Use Motaar and visit a forest, city, nature reserve or the sea and keep that smile on your face!

Enjoy the destination as much as the ride to it

Take advantage of the
benefits of it
riding motorcycles, like
no traffic jams or parking problems.

Light as a feather without luggage or equipment.
Ready for a comfortable experience at your destination.

Some locations provide space to change clothes. Please check this with your booking.

Discover what our 'Motaar' locations have to offer. You will find more than just our Motaar service.
Find all the info on this site and follow us on social media.

Get both hands free.
No worries, no burden.
Free to do whatever you want.

Get to know new places. Get local tips for great sights at our locations.

Leave your luggage, groceries or other items safely at our locations. In one movement carefree and movement-free.

Get to know us and our location owners. Be part of the community.